Romantic Musical Dramedy
NO TE OLVIDES is a romantic musical film that follows the journey of Maria, a young Chicana, and her beloved grandmother Elena, as they embark on a poignant trip to Elena's ancestral village in Mexico, known for its rich musical heritage.
As they traverse the paths of the village and reconnect with their roots, their shared catchphrase “no secrets” is put to the test when Elena’s hidden diagnosis of Alzheimer’s surfaces. Through music, dance, and lots of tequila, the film delicately weaves themes of intergenerational bonds, cultural identity, and the importance of memory and heritage.
NO TE OLVIDES features seven original songs woven into the narrative. The screenplay placed in the top 1% of entries at the Austin Film Festival, earned a custom-made Musical Film Fellowship with The Black List, and placed in the 2023 Nicholl Fellowship in Screenwriting.
Sample Tracks
We recently completed the concept album for NO TE OLVIDES, intertwining the elegance of traditional Mexican music with contemporary melodies to offer a taste of the rich cultural narrative within the film.
This is a beautifully written musical that manages to be both rich in scope and intimate in detail. Its celebration of Mexican culture, growing old, and never allowing age to get in the way of the pursuit of happiness is deeply rewarding to read. The writer is a talented lyricist, even in their non-musical dialogue there's a strong sense of rhythm in the way characters speak.
-8/10 on The Black List